Wednesday, October 27, 2010


Strawberry Fields - Central Park
New York City, NY
October 2010

Wednesday, July 7, 2010


Mute the tv.
Pause your iPod.
Can you hear it?
That noise water makes when you first step into it.
It's calling me.

(and if you're wondering - and you know you are- Yes. I resisted the overwhelming urge to skinnydip.)

We'll leave the light on for ya...

This shot was not taken without great effort. And by effort, I mean a lot of running around looking for my shoes, my keys, my tripod and my camera. Then of course, the mad dash closer to the lake as I set up the shot before the moon got too high over the water and it lost its original appeal. Which, sadly, it did. This shot, which I love, is not the shot I intended to take. Lesson learned: Have your shit together. You never know when the perfect shot will hit you.

Lake Okoboji, Iowa

Monday, January 18, 2010