Friday, February 27, 2009

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

And so it begins...

Farewell, Sweet Friend.

In forty-six days I can play with you again.

Until then, you're shelved for Lent.

I'll miss you.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

How many licks does it take?

Meet Tootsie Pop.
She contains 1 part Three Olives brand Chocolate Vodka, 2 parts cran-strawberry juice.
She's my friend.

Monday, February 23, 2009

I don't do it for the glory...

I took over a hundred pictures tonight at the Toby Keith concert, but there are none that made me as emotional as this one. There is nothing as humbling as standing next to a tearful soldier when Toby starts in with "I'm just tryin' to be a father..."

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Alexander Graham Bell can go to Alexander Graham Hell

I LOATHE the phone. No. Lemme specify. I LOVE my cell phone. It brings me fun texts, happy calls and pretty pictures. This thing? I HATE it.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Barbie's Dream House

The other day, we were surrogate house-hunting for some out-of-town friends. After looking at several houses, we happened upon one that completely took my breath away. In the upstairs bathroom, I discovered a bathroom so full of light I had to shield my eyes. In it was this shower stall with a southern-facing glass block window and I knew that dream house I've built in my head, I wanted a shower Just. Like. This.

Paws and think for a moment

In the middle of shooting an engagement session at a Des Moines park, I stepped over this paw print, stopped and backed up to look at it, again. I try to take a minute to smell the roses every day - to not get so caught up in all the chaos that has become my life that I forget to look at the things around me. This was one of those "pause and think for a moment" shots.

A little old market


Yes, please?

Thursday, February 19, 2009

New colors...

I induldged myself tonight. New crayons. 64 vivid colors!
I still get a giddy feeling as I catch the first whiff of new crayons. I still smile when I pick out a picture to color that will allow me to use RED first (because it's the brightest and most powerful color in the whole box) followed quickly by "Violet (Purple)" (because it comes with its own explanation - who wouldn't love that!). I think maybe I'll dig out my New Kids on the Block coloring book (yes, I totally have one) and have fun.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Quiet, please

This was our "Do Not Disturb" sign from the Q Hotel & Spa in Kansas City when RiceChex, criSILLYus and I stayed there last fall. I fell in love with so many things about that hotel - my most favorite? The quiet!!! Quiet is so very important to me. I seriously loathe noise.

Unfortunately my family isn't as polite as the hotel guests most days and the sign goes unheeded.

Like the back of my hand

Six? Ten? Twelve? Sometimes eighteen hours a day, seven days a week I spend sitting at this computer - working, playing, learning, researching, entertaining, writing, editing....whatever has control of me for the moment. I know this keyboard like the back of my hand*.

*Although I didn't notice until I posted this picture that blob of goo on the comma key. WTH?