Monday, May 18, 2009

Homemade Sangria

3 peaches, diced
1 c strawberries, sliced
1 c seedless grapes
1 bottle chilled Moscato d'Asti wine
a splash of Grenadine

Pure. Heaven.

The best part? The drunk fruit when the wine's been drunk.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Because sometimes a picture is enough.

"The Sphere" by Fritz Koenig

Update on the Crackberry

She's earning her keep.

While her battery life isn't as impressive as I would LIKE it to be, she's proven to be more useful than not. Weather Bug and Google Maps were especially useful in NYC.

One of dozens that will end up here


Here's to grown up boy bands, old friends, new friends, new experiences and the fact that Melly didn't DIE in Times Square on her way to Rockefeller Plaza when her body seized up and refused to process the sheer volume of people in NYC!

(Taken at TGI Fridays on 5th Avenue)